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The People Sing

March 2025

On Labor Day 2013, I posted this essay on my newly created website.  The title, Blithely Unaware, refers to my attitude toward so much of what I was experiencing during that year.  During many years.  In fact, during my entire life.


I somehow manage to avoid knowing about certain goings-on around me — so that I can completely focus on my creativity.  It is an occupational hazard.


After the creativity has found its purpose, and the mission is completed, I then make an effort to catch up on Current Events.  Typically, I recruit the help of Dear Husband, but I also go in search of info, data, details —




The Real News has become ever-more elusive as the years have clicked by, and the Globalist Fascist Mouthpieces bought up media organ after media organ after media organ, until there are no organs left!


We the People presently count upon a Mr. Balls to assist us in the liberation of our own, taxpayer-subsidized subjugation, defamation, degradation, and ruination.


The USA is currently in demolition-mode as our noble President bulldozes through government-garbage, at a rapid rate, almost warp-speed, to clear the democracy-deck for, uh, the return of democracy to our constitutional republic.  The News Briefs are brief.  The MO basically consists of reports of responses to the responses to the responses to the actions (finally) taken to right the despicable wrongs done by the government ghouls and gangsters to We The People.

The monotony of the reportage, a desiccated tree branching out toward more and more and more Click-bait, is boring me to distraction!


It’s enough to prompt me to write another Master Book (THE DAWN), this time in the Pacific Theater! Just kidding!  Although when I jest about such a matter, it usually comes true.  I most certainly wouldn’t translate it into French; and I do not know the Japanese language, so there’s an end to that one!


I was decisively diplomatic in THE DAWN regarding my treatment of FDR, Pearl Harbor, and those U. S. aircraft carriers at Pearl Harbor — Going Out to Sea — that created conspiracy theories which live on to this day.  Any government that viciously engages in silencing the citizenry — about anything — feeds and nurtures those types of theories.


The Shut-Your-Mouth Events of 2020 fall into that category.  I happened to have written an essay — whilst living in the California COVID Concentration Camp — about the vile violations of Constitutional rights by elected “leaders” during the Autumn of 2020.  Governor Gruesome, the hen that cackled first, and then clutched his pearls at the mere thought of a child going outside to play — led the way in Commie-fornia.

For someone like myself, who thrives on a muscular exercising of that First Amendment, the sensibility of being shut up, stymied, deceived, tricked, strait-jacketed, fear-mongered, suppressed and repressed:


Those feelings are powerful catalysts for my creativity.  My first impulse is to sing, much more than write, or draw, or paint — whenever someone tries to shut me up.


I’ve been this way my whole life, undoubtedly since birth.  I envision my early morning entry into the world as my first rebel yell, or cry, or scream.  I was reputedly born at 6 in the morning.  After that feat, I was well on my way to compose the Master Book, THE DAWN.


I most definitely am not a morning person.  Whenever I’m in my creative mode, I do my best work from mid-afternoon — onward.  That laser-focused activity doesn’t end until My Muse grants me permission to go to bed, and then go to sleep, a destination that’s not immediately achieved.  The creative mind keeps right on working, even as I sleep, to conceive whatever it is that must be conceived.

Dear Husband says that there are times, at bedtime, when he thinks he should say, “Good-night”, to My Muse, as well as to me.  Cause he realizes that “She” is still there with us!  And, after five minutes of quiet time, “She” will put an end the quiet part of the time!


Sometimes, however, My Muse shanghai’s me during the day, often upon awaking.  I must yield to her, and I do, crafting whatever form of writing that needs to find literary expression.


My reward from My Muse is a wide-open sense of exaltation, a serene determination to sing some songs I’d been mentally mulling over, but didn’t feel ready to give voice to, to make them “my own.”  Until I “hear” the lyrics in my own voice, I’m unable to offer them to anyone else.


The late and very great B.B. King once explained: “When I sing, I play in my mind; the minute I stop singing orally, I start to sing by playing Lucille.”

I completely understand that musical process.  I think of my writing as my Lucille, the visionary instrument that lets me use my vocal instrument.  Music is my first love, drawing my second, writing my third, although all three art forms are intimately related, inter-dependent upon one another.


The yearning to sing is perhaps the most human of desires for self-expression.  The yearning to touch the heart of another human being — through the sound of your voice — is the sublime achievement of transforming self-expression into art.


Lifting your voice to aspire to art occurs only after you’ve lifted your voice to seek guidance from your Maker.  Melody is the gift from the heart that first starts in the mind, reaching beyond the misery that silenced you.

The original French title of “Do You Hear the People Sing?” is « À la volonté du peuple » — To the will of the people.


My novel, THE DAWN, sprang forth from my desire to sing, from behind the barricades of what my life had become in Newcastle, California.  I might have been hearing The People Sing; I most certainly heard my libertarian Muse attempt to sing!


The artists of this anthem, in English, are composer Claude-Michel Schönberg, and lyricist Herbert Kretzmer.  The French paroles are by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel.  The nation of France, upon this day, is without a functioning government, without a leader, and, thus, on the verge of some sort of French revolution!


First, the American Revolutionaries of today must show the way for les Français.

Will you join in our crusade?

Who will be strong and stand with me?

Beyond the barricade

Is there a world you long to see?

Then join in the fight

That will give you the right to be free!”

“There is a new world to be won!

Tomorrow is the judgement day

Tomorrow we’ll discover

What our God in Heaven has in store!


One more dawn

One more day

One day more!

© 2024 by Debra Milligan

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