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Si Tu Partirais

September 2024

Si Tu Partirais


Music and original lyrics by Jacques Brel; original English lyrics by Rod McKuen;

French translation of McKuen; adaption by Debra Milligan

Si tu partirais ce jour d’été


Tu peux aussi effacer le soleil


Et les oiseux en vol au-dessus de nous


Lorsque notre amour est né

et nos cœurs éprouvaient de tout


Lorsque le jour était jeune

et la nuit sans fin


Si tu partirais

si tu partirais

si tu partirais


Mais si tu restes je te donnerai

un jour sans pareil

un jour sans pareil

Nous voyagerons le soleil


Nous danserons sous la pluie


Nous murmurerons aux pins


et rirons du vent.


Puis si tu partes

j’en comprendrai

Donnes-moi assez d’amour

pour ce seul jour


Si tu partirais

si tu partirais


si tu partirais.


Si tu ailles, comme je le sais,


Ordonnes au monde de ne pas tourner

jusqu’à ton retour

si tu le fasses jamais


Car je peux donner cet amour

seulement à toi


Peux-je te dire maintenant


Comme tu te tournes pour aller


Je vais mourir lentement

jusqu’au prochain « je t’aime »


Si tu partirais, si tu partirais, si tu partirais


Mais si tu restes


Je partagerai avec toi

une nuit sans mesure

une nuit pour toujours


Je voguerai sur ton sourire

je volerai au ton toucher

je chanterai

à tes yeux doux aimants

et rêverai à demain


Mais si tu partes,

je ne pleurerai pas


même si tout le bien ira

avec ton adieu


Si tu partirais, si tu partirais, si tu partirais


Si tu ailles, comme je sais que tu le dois,


Je douterai du monde entier

Je n’aurai qu’une pièce vide

remplie d'espaces dépouillés


Comme le regard vide que je vois

sur ton visage courtois


J'aurais été l'ombre de ton ombre

s'il aurait pu me garder à tes côtés


Si tu partirais, si tu partirais,


si tu partirais . . .



English translation by Debra Milligan

If you were to leave on this summer day


You can also erase the sun

and the birds in flight above us


When our love was born

and our hearts felt everything


When the day was young

and the night endless


If you were to leave

if you were to leave

if you were to leave


But if you stay

I’ll give you

a day like no other

a day like no other


We’ll travel the sun


We’ll dance in the rain

We’ll whisper to the pines


and laugh at the wind.


Then if you go

I’ll understand


Give me enough love

for this one day


If you were to leave

if you were to leave


if you were to leave.


If you go, as I know you will,

Command the world not to turn

until you return


if you ever do


For I can give this love

only to you


Can I tell you now


as you turn to go


I’ll be dying slowly

until the next “I love you”


If you were to leave, if you were to leave, if you were to leave

But if you stay


I’ll share with you

a night without measure

a night for forever


I’ll sail on your smile

I’ll fly to your touch

I’ll sing to your gentle loving eyes

and dream of tomorrow


But if you go,

I will not cry


even though all the good will go

with your goodbye


If you were to leave, if you were to leave, if you were to leave

If you go, as I know you must


I will doubt the whole world


I'll just have an empty room

filled with bare spaces


Like the empty look I see on your polite face


I’d have been the shadow of your shadow

if it could have kept me by your side


If you were to leave, if you were to leave,


if you were to leave . . .

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