13 February 2025

I was oot and aboot yesterday morning, doing errands in between the raindrops, or rain storms in my bailiwick. Costco was on the list, at a spanking brand new location that opened up this past spring of 2024.
The architecture is a throw-back (what isn’t?) to the packing shed era of this town, combined with the industrial look that seems to be so popular among youngins’ who have never seen a factory!
It was amazing to see how much that retail venue had boomed since last I was there in early October 2024!
The place was packed. I think customers are driving there from out-of-the-area, namely, from the towns that my “former” Costco serviced, in the Roseville area. That Costco was a pain-in-the-neck to get in and out of — situated just off of the always busy I-80.
My drive west on I-80 yesterday to this new Costco was informative. There’s a new developer who’s springing to build new homes. facing the freeway:

Loomis Terrace.
I don’t know where the terrace is supposed to be, but I guess an unimpeded View Of I-80 can be the selling point! It only took the previous developer about 10 years to unload those shoddy pieces of real estate that were built in 2005, pre-subprime collapse.
I keep hearing and reading about the Americans who want to go back to 2007, and back to 2019, before . . .
You can’t really go back to then, at least not in the way that these people wish for it to happen. So much has been learned about what We the People did not know. Movement in time — emotionally — cannot be reversed. I suppose that’s how a certain type of person stays stuck in time for decades, including wearing the same clothes, and the same hairstyle, with the same hair color!
Every day, my industrious mind revises the American History of the near-past, a decade, two decades, three decades. Just watching an episode of Murder, She Wrote that takes place in the Washington, D.C. of the immediate post-Cold War era, prompted me to correct and update my understanding of way back then, all the way to today.

That List of Yuri Lermontov is probably still being sold, at hyper-jacked-up prices, somewhere, through USAID!
What an insult and a disgrace to the memory and legacy of Mikhail Lermontov, Russian novelist and poet!
These mental, emotional, analytical and psychological activities to amend, revise, repair, renovate, straighten out and arrange my internal memory files are exhausting for me. But they are an inspirational feast for my Muse!
I mean, there’s no stopping the creative juices flowing from this cerebral audit of the past that — like successive bolts of lightning — provides me with new insights — INSIGHTS — into matters both personal and public.
It’s been a busy New Year for me, and it’s only early February!

The pop standard, “You Always Hurt the One You Love”, with lyrics by Alan Roberts and music by Doris Fisher, was an enormous hit for the Mills Brothers in 1944. Their version is lovely, sweet, sentimental, and unforgettable. Equally unforgettable for me is the Spike Jones version to which Dear Husband introduced me during our dating days.
The introductory lyric: “You always hurt the one you love . . .”
Is followed by 2 gunshots and — “The one you shouldn’t hurt at all.”
Absolutely hilarious!!
After watching a woman, yesterday, in the parking lot of Costco, walking with her child, and carrying a stack of 4 dozen eggs, to her car, I realized how brave she was! There this mother was — resolutely holding the sum total of her child’s college tuition!

Many years ago, when I lived in my first house in The Suburbs, I would occasionally vent my outrage and frustration about the latest dirty deed done to me by the catty, bratty women with whom I was forced to associate in the suburban blob.
I’d take a dozen eggs and throw them against the dog-eared fence that was starting to really show its age.
The incredible edible egg is, for me, a supreme symbol of the power of a woman, especially when it comes to love. My revised lyric is:
“You always hurt the one you don’t love.”