20 October 2017

In honor of the Second Annual Flannel Fest at the local sporting goods store, we proudly present Flannel Hound!
Chance Beaumont Milligan first appeared in our lives, and at the first Annual Flannel Fest, just about one year ago. He is the star attraction among the kiddies there, especially at Photo Op time. He’s the star attraction at home too, but we try to limit the photo ops.

Chance has been taking lessons from on high, from the Original Flannel Boy, Bootsie. He’s just about perfected the art of overtaking the flannel blanket on the sofa. I don’t know how a fur-bearing animal knows the coveted fabric on the couch is flannel, but the feel of soft, comfy, cozy cotton is irresistible to the male hound!
Of Chance in October, there’s not much more to say, just to show!